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 So i have to talk about my summer holiday, and i don´t know what im going to do but i think is always the same vacations, i have to do with my mom's family, and with my dad´s family. so with my mom i used to go to the beach, we have a house and with stay in that place every single summer holidays, i like to do paintings and pottery  in the beach with my family. i like to eat fish and do spanish dishes like paella. with my dad i used to go to Bulnes there is where my  grandmother lives i like to stay in the field with my grandmother and my little brothers (7 years old and 3 years old ). i like to ear corncake and empanadas i love chilean food by my grandmother hands. i like to do painting and talk a lot with my grandma because i can´t see she the rest of the year.
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  Hi everyone, so now im going to talk about a photo that i really like, it is not the best photo but it has a funny story... So, i took this photo last week i think wednesday. This picture shows my cat, Nala she was waiting  for  me  for food while i was  painting in my studio, and she didn`t stop  demanding me for food (she`s really hungry) I think i spoil her too much. I love this photo because you can see in her face saying -nacho i want my food now, please hurry up im very hungry!!馃槨馃槨 but at the same time you can see how big she is and her cute belly 馃挏馃挏 I really love my cat Nala this month my sister and my mom travelled to Spain, so i was in charge of my house with Nala. Because of that me and my cat are now more close, she always sleep with me on my feet.


Hi everyone :) so today im going to talk about my favorite food : Spanish Tortilla 馃構馃槏so, the Spanish tortilla is a traditional food in Spain. the Spanish trotilla is made with potatoes, onions and eggs, yes ingredient very easy to fin, but is very dificult to do well. For do the tortilla you need to cut potatos in ver small pieces and fries, then when the potatos is redy you brown the onions, and you mix everything in a recipent with the eggs, after that yo have to put all in a frying  pan and the magic happens, well only if you are a good chef. I love this recipe because is a family recipe from my grandmother who was exiled of spain in the Franco´s dictatorship, all of my family love the Spanish torilla and we fight for a slice 馃槀. I think that if you eat Tortilla every day you going get fat, but is a delicious recipe and you eat in slice, if you are lucky you grandmother make a Spanish tortilla only for you in your birthday, so only one day at year yo can felt unhealthy馃槀馃槀. only m


 So today i have to talk about post number 6 wich is my post graduate studies, and the truth is i dont know!!  but im going to imagine that i can do anything so lets go if i had to study another thing i think that i want to do workshops of differents styles of cusine i like to go to different countrys and do differents workshops, like pasta in italy or japanese food or french food or peruvian food or mexican food... and with that learn more about the culture of the countries. another studies is an art magister but i dont know of what haha, so i dont going to write about that, painting, pottery and cooking that the subjet that i wish studied!


 Okey my friendos today i have to write about a very dificult thing, that it.... the future, haha. im going to write about two posibilites, how i imagine my perfect future, and how the live gona eat me haha. the first  "the good future", in this future i can live of my work, im an artist! i do workshop of paintings in my atellier meanwhile i do my paintings and pottery. Sometimes i travel to others cities and country do exhibitions  and workshop, i can see the work of others artist. the salary is good but is weird, i have to know how to spend good the money because is not constantly sometimes is really good salary and somtimes i have to save the month with others month but all is saving and dose the money. i want go to japan to study better the pottery, always learning new things. in my other future i can´t live of my paintings and potterys, i have to do another thing to live, the Chilean state doesn´t appraise the art, and yes i still live happy but not with the job that i w


 Hello everyone who are you guys? all good? so this week is about career , so im going to talk about my choice you know...Visual Arts. When i was on highschool i do graffiti and then i started to did paintings on canvas i really want to learn more of how to paint, and discovered all the thechniques that now i know... Studied arts always was my first option, iam taurus and iam very focus with the things that i want. on PSU i didn´t make the best score, so i had to did the basic stage that it was like a bachiller in arts that take 2 years and then you can enter to the career. My mother always saw me that fisrt i had to do what i want (studied visual arts) and then if i didn´t make it like live of that i can do another thing, but she said you are young take a risk and be happy of that. Now im on third year of my career and im glad of all the knowledge that im taken im in lov whit the paint and with the pottery i really want to do this for ever but is very hard, the society doesn´t help us


 Well I have to say that i am a member of Christopher Nolan fan club to... but i must to say that  my favorite movies is Batman : The Dark Night. This movie is $%#@ amaizing!  I don´t like Batman because he is a dog of the police (i like dog but, you know the reference) but I really love The Joker and Heath Ledger he was a really good actor that move on in another level the character Joker the moves, the faces, the voice all of him makes me sick (in a good way...) the scene thath joker go away at the Hospital and then he explode it  that one of the most epic scene i had never seen beacuse is a one take scene, all in one. i think all of us want to be like the joker at least one time in life,i mean like be really free, creat chaos, makes great apparitions, and have fun! haha, but of course all of this if we dont hurt other people... I remember after seen the movie,wait for halloween only for costume like the joker and can act like him haha