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 Well I have to say that i am a member of Christopher Nolan fan club to... but i must to say that  my favorite movies is Batman : The Dark Night. This movie is $%#@ amaizing! 

I don´t like Batman because he is a dog of the police (i like dog but, you know the reference) but I really love The Joker and Heath Ledger he was a really good actor that move on in another level the character Joker the moves, the faces, the voice all of him makes me sick (in a good way...) the scene thath joker go away at the Hospital and then he explode it  that one of the most epic scene i had never seen beacuse is a one take scene, all in one. i think all of us want to be like the joker at least one time in life,i mean like be really free, creat chaos, makes great apparitions, and have fun! haha, but of course all of this if we dont hurt other people...

I remember after seen the movie,wait for halloween only for costume like the joker and can act like him haha  


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