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 Hello everyone who are you guys? all good? so this week is about career , so im going to talk about my choice you know...Visual Arts. When i was on highschool i do graffiti and then i started to did paintings on canvas i really want to learn more of how to paint, and discovered all the thechniques that now i know...

Studied arts always was my first option, iam taurus and iam very focus with the things that i want. on PSU i didn´t make the best score, so i had to did the basic stage that it was like a bachiller in arts that take 2 years and then you can enter to the career. My mother always saw me that fisrt i had to do what i want (studied visual arts) and then if i didn´t make it like live of that i can do another thing, but she said you are young take a risk and be happy of that.

Now im on third year of my career and im glad of all the knowledge that im taken im in lov whit the paint and with the pottery i really want to do this for ever but is very hard, the society doesn´t help us to much... 

thanks you have a nice day!


  1. And you are and will be an incredible artist! <3

  2. I'm glad your mom supported you in your decision and that you are able to put into good use all the knowledge that you've acquired


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