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 Hello everyone in this blog im going to write about Japan, this is the country which i really like to go, beacuse i like the architecture, i like anime in specific One pice, another thing that i really like is the pottery of japan. The name this style of pottery is "rakú" and the other style is "chawan" i want to go to Japan and learn this kind of pottery beacuse they see the pottery like an style of live a conection with the elements, when you do a pottery you use the fourth elements to do that: earth, wind , water and fire, so i really want to learn the technique, but also i want to learn this way to see the pottery. Another thing to do is go to eat "Ramen" and this is like a dream, because i know that is imposible but i really really want to know Eichiro Oda it is the One Pice creator. 

Thank for reading :) 


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