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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2022


 So for this blog im going to talk about my best Holiday. I think the best holyday was in the summer of 2018 with my girlfriend we decided to traveler togheter to another country so we chose Perú and Ecuador  The first place we visited was Lima, there we eaten a delicious food for me one of the best food that i ever eaten and also we seen my uncle Rafael. Then we went to Mancora, this is a beach in north Perú a lot of travelers went to partied. Then we went to Ecuador and we went to "Montañita" is a beautiful tropical beach  like  but also with a lot of partied so we really enjoyed with a lot of people not so far to Montañita  we founded "Los Frailes" is a beach an also is a paradise there didn´t had people so we can relax there.  Our final place was "Cuenca" that is a beautiful city like Cusco (Peru) and there had gifted for my ancestors beacuse we seen  a painture of one of my favorite painters in the world that is Luc Tuymans, i didnt knew but in Cue nc


 Hello everyone in this blog im going to write about Japan, this is the country which i really like to go, beacuse i like the architecture, i like anime in specific One pice, another thing that i really like is the pottery of japan. The name this style of pottery is "rakú" and the other style is "chawan" i want to go to Japan and learn this kind of pottery beacuse they see the pottery like an style of live a conection with the elements, when you do a pottery you use the fourth elements to do that: earth, wind , water and fire, so i really want to learn the technique, but also i want to learn this way to see the pottery. Another thing to do is go to eat "Ramen" and this is like a dream, because i know that is imposible but i really really want to know Eichiro Oda it is the One Pice creator.  Thank for reading :)